Well, I've come across something that I thought I'd share with other Canon Powershot owners. There's a firmware project called CHDK
CHDK is a firmware enhancement that operates on a number of Canon Cameras. CHDK gets loaded into your camera's memory upon bootup (either manually or automatically). It provides additional functionality beyond that currently provided by the native camera firmware.
CHDK is not a permanent firmware upgrade: you decide how it is loaded (manually or automatically) and you can always easily remove it. The benefits are pretty substantial. Enhancements include:
a. Enhanced ways of recording images - you can capture still pictures in RAW format (as well as JPEG), and for video images you can have increased recording time and length (1 hour or 2 GB)
b. Additional data displays on the LCD screen - histogram, battery life indicator, depth of field, and many more.
c. Additional photographic settings that are not available on the camera by itself
There's more features available but check out the site to see if your specific Powershot Camera is supported. Mine is! :-)
NOTE: The CHDK site can be confusing to go through. So I've assembled here some links to help get new users started. These are the bare essentials. I strongly suggest reading the FAQ thoroughly:
INSTALL FOR S2 IS (linux reference, but it's the same for windows)
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