Friday, June 8, 2007

Convert ABR Brushes!

I recently did a Photoshop project using some ABR files. The project turned out fine, but the person wanted to use some of the brushes outside of Photoshop. Thus my hunt began for a way to convert ABR files. You can convert them to PNG files using a freeware utility called ABR Viewer 2.0. Once they are PNG files, you can use them in almost any image program. If you'd like a detailed tutorial on how to convert the ABR files to Photopaint Nibs. There's an excellent tut available HERE.



Anonymous said...

man Abr Viewer is trash, i have downloaded all the vesions that have ever existed and none works, i always get a message saying there is an error.

Jorge said...

it works great for me. I'm using the Net 2.0 version. If you're having troubles, try searching the support forum for help.

Anonymous said...

I use the Net version too. I have never run into trouble.. until tonight. On a CS to CS3 brush set I just purchased... but other then that, I swear by this software! It's much cheaper then forking out the $1000 bones for Photoshop. Pffft! :-)


Anonymous said...

I had no idea that this app existed before Googling it on a whim. Thank goodness for your good SEO! The app is great and now I can use brush designs in PhotoDraw. Thanks!