I've been getting e-mails about the status of the CADGFX addon.
Is it vaporware? Did i photoshop the early screenshots? When is it being released? Etc, etc.
There's obviously been some delays...
The reason? I was compiling the latest version a few weeks ago when my build tree file went corrupt.
It's basically an index file that tracks all the files that get compiled.
I basically have to restore from an earlier version and update the build tree file with the updates and try again. The problem is my backup file was on a hard drive that crashed a while back. Shame on me for not keeping a good working backup. So it's going to take some time to get it back to the last build I had working.
I bought a dual sata USB drive that will become my main backup for my projects (including CADGFX stuff) In the meantime, I've been reorganizing ALL my files (photos, media, software, music) on separate external hard drives. This should make my workflow more efficient as each drive will be dedicated for a specific purpose.
I expect to be back up and running early August. Work unfortunately is taking a priority until then.
So as for a timeframe, i'll pay homage to a couple of my favorite software houses, 3D realms and ID, when I say, it will be released "W.I.D." At least i'm still doing better than Duke Nukem 4!! ;-)
In the meantime, I offer something a little different:
Go to google.ca and type "French military victories", then click the "I'm feeling lucky" button!
The Power of Experimentation: Lessons from Labs
3 weeks ago