My personal choice for a file manager is xplorer2 Lite by Zabkat software. I’ve never been satisfied with the windows default file manager. In the past, I was using Powerdesk, which was an excellent commercial app. Xplorer boasts, tabbed interface, dual pane file management, and a host of other features. The pro version (not free) has some great options for power users, but you can still do alot with the lite version. My only complaint about the software? There’s many features that are buried away under hotkey options and really should be presented in menus. It would also be nice to have icons for all the commands, so it would be easy to add them to the toolbar. Also, the toolbar icons are kinda small on hi-res monitors. I understand, the author is working on updating the interface, but this isn’t a tool that relies on appearance. It’s a powerhouse utility that gets better with each new release. Check it out!
The Power of Experimentation: Lessons from Labs
3 weeks ago