Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lightbox 2

Another restless night. But not a complete loss, I've found a great script for web designers who like to post images in a stylish way on their websites. It's called Lightbox!

Click the link to see a sample and details on setup. It's really slick looking. If you're a photoshop user, there's a great tutorial on getting it to work with Photoshop's Web Photo Gallery tool.

For those of you not code savy, there's now a freeware tool that uses Lightbox to generate Web Galleries. Find it here.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

slideshows for blogging..

Using Picasa Web Albums, you can embed a slideshow of images into blogger, just like the example below.

Click on the play button to view the tutorial, if it's not big enough, click on the link "SLIDESHOW NEW PAGE" at the bottom of this post. Remember, you can always stop the slides and manually go forward or backward on the control bar at the bottom of the slideshow.

Or you can have a link that opens a new window to view it fullsize! This only works on Internet Explorer and Firefox based browsers. Doesn't work in Opera for some reason.